Jeevan Saathi with Narayan Puri (Guests: Pashupati Sharma and his wife)

Published on Mar 26, 2016
Jeevan Saathi with Narayan Puri (Guests: Pashupati Sharma and his wife

One day in the year
Wearing while moving
The Ramesh's ...

Lakshmi Neupane recorded the same story of the Tiger and kept the public in step, in 051. The first song was not just hit, Tage became known as the everlasting singer. The popularity of the tech goes farther to Lakshmi Lakshmi. The 11 single album of Tiger Song could not be removed. However, for the year, Tart did not record the song record, but to bring it to the market!

This is the tale song known to Sunita Dulal. His first album at 060 Cheli's Mythouse included tablespace. That year, the album extracts the album from the song. Often viewers and audience listen to the mouth. So, how could it be the most popular country in the world? He himself owns the throne song of his own success. However, this year's album is not in the drop-down. Sunita said in a sophisticated voice, "It is necessary to remove. But I am not enthusiastic in the past years. "

Why? The answer is that Lakshmi and Sunita are the same, "Tare song has been disturbed in the name of the song." That distortion was in word, style, and video, more than that, it started to start playing songs four months before it came. This infection, which has been popular in public music for the last few years, has now sown this year.
Jeevan Saathi with Narayan Puri (Guests: Pashupati Sharma and his wife) Jeevan Saathi with Narayan Puri (Guests: Pashupati Sharma and his wife) Reviewed by Durga Pangeni on August 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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